How have you been feeling lately?
Are you in a bad mood or lacking motivation? Do you feel tense and not relaxed? Check your mood now! Answer the questions and you will get feedback on how you feel.
Let's talk!
Did you know that one in five teenagers has some psychological issue? Adolescence is a challenging period, but it doesn't have to be that hard. It's important to talk about yourself and not to stay alone with your distress. Believe me, you are not alone in this.
Does talking really help?
Absolutely. This can be confirmed by the doctor, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, Lina Klanšek, who has been working with young people in distress for many years. She developed this questionnaire because, from her own experience, she knows that talking helps. Many young people have already sought help and learned something from their distress. You can be that teenager too.
Lina Klansek, MD, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist
What is MindGuide?
MindGuide is a short questionnaire to check the well-being of young people. Based on the answers to the questions, the chatbot provides feedback and advises assistance if it deems it necessary.
Private and confidential.
What happens in the chat stays in the chat. All data is confidential and is not stored, so you can safely use it.
Ready, set, go!
By clicking the button, you are one step closer to recognizing how you feel and improving it if you wish. Don't wait because you have nothing to lose.
Supported by
The development of the platform is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. Among the investment objectives of the fund is also a more competitive and smarter Europe through innovation and with the support of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as digitization and digital connectivity.